Tuesday 20 March 2012


From the tip of the knife, blood drips
As it hangs loose from my fingertips
I will not let go...I will not hold on
I will not be here...I can't be there...
Grey is my favorite color.

Metal to flesh...look into my eyes
I will not...I cannot slash your throat
Or drive this...deep...deep
into...flesh...fresh, human...man...
I love to drive things into things...

Acid in bottle...tilted, glass... bottle
I will not...I cannot tip it further upon features
Calm facials...sweet in sleep...only
Or force this...down...down
inner tubes..changing states as it flows
Watching liquids flow...calms me greatly

A presence lingers...a shadow hovers
around my bed...hands grab me
Reality catapults me out from my nightmare
And again I'm here...drenched in sweat

So I will not be here...I can't be there...
Grey is my favorite color.


  1. this is quite deep. what does the persona mean by "i can't be here i can't be there" and "Grey is my favorite color"?... well, wherever the "there" refers to, i think the persona should try as much as possible to be "here" not "there"

    1. You know, sometimes we here people say; "its either white or black...there's no grey area"
      Well, sometimes we have no choice but gret...stay in the middle. i don't want black, i can't choose white...so grey is my favorite colour.
      'there' refers to my dreamworld...'here' is now and its not always pleasant. maybe i just want to stay in the middle.
